Podcast #4: Donald Trump and right-wing populism – Daniel BĂ©land

“Since he entered the race for the White House in June 2015, the politics of insecurity has also become a central aspect of Donald J. Trump’s populist discourse about how to ‘Make America Great Again’. Key to this discourse is the idea of building a wall on the US–Mexico border to protect the country against irregular migrants, who are described as a criminological and national security threat”- the fourth episode of our PSR 140-sec short podcast series by Professor Daniel BĂ©land. The author speaks about his article: Right-Wing Populism and the Politics of Insecurity: How President Trump Frames Migrants as Collective Threats.

Daniel BĂ©land – James McGill Professor; Director of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) .


Dr Eliza Kania, Brunel University London

Podcast #3: Consultant Lobbyists and Public Officials – Maxime Boucher

“When we first reviewed the literature on lobbying, we quickly realized that there was more than one definition of lobbying and that these different definitions can be grouped into two main visions of lobbying. Our main objective in our paper was to empirically test this central theoretical distinction between well-connected generalist lobbyists that specialize in navigating the political process and issue specialist lobbyists that specialize in a specific policy sector and provide substantive expertise to policymakers.”the third episode of our PSR 140-sec short podcast series by Maxime Boucher. The author speaks about the article: Consultant Lobbyists and Public Officials: Selling Policy Expertise or Personal Connections in Canada? by Maxime Boucher and Christopher A Cooper.

Maxime Boucher – his research focuses on two complementary aspects of lobbying and corporate political activities. By making use of “big data” sources such as the lobbying registry, it shows how Canadian political institutions affect the relations between organized interests and policy-makers. He is also interested in the regulation of lobbying and other forms of corporate political activities in North America and Europe. His research on the topic shows how lobbying regulation affects the state of corporate political rights in contemporary democracies.


Dr Eliza Kania, Brunel University London

Podcast #2: Fighting Misperceptions and Doubting Journalists’ Objectivity and fact-checking – Sakari Nieminen

“The fact-checking industry has grown enormously in recent years. Because the practice is becoming more and more well known, Lauri Rapeli and I conducted a literature review about the issue, to find out, what research has to say about the subject”- the second episode of our PSR 140-sec short podcast series by Sakari Nieminen. The author speaks about the article: Fighting Misperceptions and Doubting Journalists’ Objectivity: A Review of Fact-checking Literature by Lauri Rapeli and Sakari Nieminen.

Sakari Nieminen is a doctoral student in political science at Turku University, Finland. His current research interests include fact-checking, argumentation, and political rhetoric.


Dr Eliza Kania, Brunel University London

Podcast #1: Populist Peril to Democracy – Yunus Sözen

“In the last two decades, parties, or leaders widely claimed to be populist have come to power in different countries beyond populism’s traditional stronghold of Latin America, such as Thailand, United States, and Turkey” – the first episode of our PSR 140-sec short podcast series by Yunus Sözen. The author speaks about his article: Populist Peril to Democracy: The Sacralization and Singularization of Competitive Elections.

Yunus Sözen is a Fung Global Fellow at Princeton University’s Institute for International and Regional Studies. He is also a faculty member in the International Relations Department of Özyeğin University, Istanbul. He received his BA from Boğaziçi University, Department of Political Science and International Relations, and his PhD in Politics from New York University. Sozen’s areas within Political Science are Comparative Politics and Democratic Theory. His research focuses on the relationship between populism and political regime dynamics.


Dr Eliza Kania, Brunel University London