We are delighted to announce that five excellent PSR articles have been shortlisted for The Best Paper Award 2023 (in alphabetical order):
- Voting for the Future: Electoral Institutions and the Time Horizons of Democracy – Sarah Birch, 2023 (sagepub.com) (Research Article)
- Are People More Satisfied with Democracy When They Feel They Won the Election? No – Jean-François Daoust, Carolina Plescia, André Blais, 2023 (sagepub.com) (The Null Hypothesis)
- Take the Streets or Take the Parliament? Political Participation Choices of Radical Left Individuals – Svenja Krauss, Sarah Wagner, 2023 (sagepub.com) (Research Article)
- Economic Insecurity and the Rise of Anti-Immigrant Sentiments: The Role of Labor Market Risks and Welfare Deservingness Perception – Jaewook Lee, 2023 (sagepub.com) (Research Article)
- Does Cross-Regime Contact Change the Evaluation of Democracy? Evidence From Taiwanese Student Delegations Visiting Mainland China – Chia-chou Wang, 2023 (sagepub.com) (Research Article)
We will announce the final results in March.